November 28th – Rams / Packers
Guest: Harold Jackson
The Tilted Kilt -ORANGE
1625 W. Katella Ave.
Orange, CA 92867
Killarney’s Pub & Grill
209 Main St, Huntington Beach
(714) 536-7887
The Tilted Kilt -ORANGE
1625 W. Katella Ave.
Orange, CA 92867
Jon Gruden Private Signing!
The Official Collection is accepting orders from all my regular clients and supporters for me to personally bring your Raider items to this private signing.
Pricing is:
Flats: $100
(Max) 16″x20″ , Cards & Mini’s
Large Items: $125
Helmets, Jerseys, Footballs, Equipment & Over sized Flats
Coach Gruden will not sign Childs Play or Chuckie Items!
Contact Stan:
714-350-7319 / [email protected]
Our site has been dark for the last few months, one obvious reason, there has been no events due to the situation we are facing. Our last event was the end of February at Tilted Kilt in Orange with Tom Flores. It was a great success for all involved and I wish to thank everyone that participated and especially Greg Townsend , Dokie Williams, Ricky Williams & Michael Alexander who also were guest there.
And now for today Killarney’s will be reopening this Tuesday with a nice new large outside patio area. Our #1 Raider Bar will be hosting the games as usual for the Raider Nation with us there for all the promotions. At this time we will not be announcing any guests until we get the feel and experience of the new situation. As the season goes we will be discussing bringing in our guests. And as for the season I am ready for a new explosive Raiders Team and our rookie Henry Ruggs “You were wearing our great legend and friend Cliff Branch #21 jersey, so lets get it done!”. TOUCH DOWN RAIDERS! See you my KIllarney’s Family soon. – Raider Stan